Live stream your sports matches and cups

Streamify is free to use and risk-free. You keep 90% of the profits and set your own ticket prices. The streaming is easily done from a phone or real camera equipment. App for streaming, your own play-channel och payment solutions are available through the platform. Create a free account and set up your first test stream to see how easy it is.

Create a free account!

Some of our features

Streamify broadcaster
Download the Apple or Android app to broadcast from your handheld device easily.
Sales channels
Customer-specific Play and sales channel, where you can easily organize content.
HD Icon
Superb quality
Variable bitrate for any speed internet.
Replay Icon
Never miss out on the aftersales; the finished live broadcast is instantly available.
Payment options
Set your ticket and subscriptions prices and start selling with support for more than 135 currencies.
Built-in easy tracking of sales and engagement. Google Analytics ready.

...and much more features to discover!

Hear from one of our customers…

Hear one of our customers talk about how they use Streamify and how easy it is to live stream from our app (in Swedish).

Want to know more?

Get into contact with a live video shopping professional.

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